Our informative eBooks are filled with great take home advice in an easy to digest format.
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SOLVING THE $95,000 PROBLEM: Improving Employee Productivity in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Since 2005, output in the U.S. nonfarm business sector due to the labor productivity slowdowns have cost $10.9 trillion -- which comes to about $95,000 in lost output per worker.

...and the pandemic didn’t help improve the trend.

So, what can you do as an employer to help reverse the trend in your workplace?

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PREVENTING THE TURNOVER TSUNAMI: A Manager's Handbook for Keeping Great Employees

More than half of U.S. employees intend to look for a new job this year.

Will the "return to normal" tempt your best employees to leave? Here's how to drive loyalty and performance at every stage of the employee experience.

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Skip the Sugar: The Modern Manager’s Guide To Providing Feedback Effectively

Do You Dread Giving “Constructive” Feedback?

You’re not alone.

This eBook shares how to effectively tell employees what you think -- without the sugar -- while strengthening relationships and building your team's receptiveness to change.

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YOU'VE GOT THIS: Retooling Your Team's Skills for 2021

Nobody needs to tell you how much the workplace has changed. The question is: How can you equip your team to perform at their peak as their jobs continue to evolve?

Focus on the skills employees need in the coming month and years -- and the steps you can take to develop them.

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Up and Running: How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)

In this eBook, we will talk about:

  • Whether it’s possible to be productive in extreme circumstances
  • Identifying the changes that will mark “the new normal”
  • The importance of safety
  • The challenges employees and employers face in boosting productivity
  • How you can improve productivity by focusing on employee health – both physical and mental
  • Tips for managing remote and blended teams
  • Using schedule optimization to promote productivity
  • The best partnership you can form to help navigate workforce changes
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DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these articles is intended to provide useful information. It is published with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal services. For specific legal advice, please consult your attorney.

Our informative eBooks are filled with great take home advice in an easy to digest format.
11 - 15 of 26

SOLVING THE $95,000 PROBLEM: Improving Employee Productivity in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Since 2005, output in the U.S. nonfarm business sector due to the labor productivity slowdowns have cost $10.9 trillion -- which comes to about $95,000 in lost output per worker.

...and the pandemic didn’t help improve the trend.

So, what can you do as an employer to help reverse the trend in your workplace?

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PREVENTING THE TURNOVER TSUNAMI: A Manager's Handbook for Keeping Great Employees

More than half of U.S. employees intend to look for a new job this year.

Will the "return to normal" tempt your best employees to leave? Here's how to drive loyalty and performance at every stage of the employee experience.

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Skip the Sugar: The Modern Manager’s Guide To Providing Feedback Effectively

Do You Dread Giving “Constructive” Feedback?

You’re not alone.

This eBook shares how to effectively tell employees what you think -- without the sugar -- while strengthening relationships and building your team's receptiveness to change.

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YOU'VE GOT THIS: Retooling Your Team's Skills for 2021

Nobody needs to tell you how much the workplace has changed. The question is: How can you equip your team to perform at their peak as their jobs continue to evolve?

Focus on the skills employees need in the coming month and years -- and the steps you can take to develop them.

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Up and Running: How to Get Your Workforce Back to 100% (or better!)

In this eBook, we will talk about:

  • Whether it’s possible to be productive in extreme circumstances
  • Identifying the changes that will mark “the new normal”
  • The importance of safety
  • The challenges employees and employers face in boosting productivity
  • How you can improve productivity by focusing on employee health – both physical and mental
  • Tips for managing remote and blended teams
  • Using schedule optimization to promote productivity
  • The best partnership you can form to help navigate workforce changes
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11 - 15 of 26
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these articles is intended to provide useful information. It is published with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal services. For specific legal advice, please consult your attorney.